Hey, that's good for a first song on NG! There are a few things I'd like to point out, though. This seems to be missing a good song structure. The typical structure goes something like this:
Intro - any number of bars, 16 tops
Verse - 16 bars
Breakdown (Optional, I guess) - 8 bars
Buildup - 8 bars if there's a breakdown, 16 if not
Drop - 32 bars
Bridge (Optional, rarely used) - 16 bars
Verse 2 - 16 bars
Breakdown 2 (Optional, though used more often) - 8 bars
Buildup 2 - 8 bars if there's a breakdown, 16 if not
Drop 2 - 32 bars
Outro - however long you want, typically similar to Intro
So that's one critique, but the drop also isn't very good, I'll admit. To make it better, what you could do is just remove the background stuff when the drop begins and make the main bass louder. Also, SeamlessR has a video on processing dubstep basses and subs right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnsG9FF9jUw&t=420s . I'd also recommending having more noises to mess around with, and have them all sound as good as you can get them - distorted, saturated, flanged, all that stuff.
So yeah. Nice start, and good job for having the courage to put some music out there!