So there are a couple of important things here that are a bit off kilter. It looks like you haven't posted too many songs here, so don't take what I say as, "You're so bad." Take it as, "It looks like you're new, here's some stuff to know."
Okay, so first up is that the drops aren't very full. Usually, a heavy and thick drop consists of a bunch of things - kick, snare, hats, cymbals, rides sometimes, toms sometimes, fat basses, fat sub, but then also there's risers, impacts, sidechords, arps, chants, and plain noise of some sort, maybe a crowd sample or just white or pink noise. Sometimes, there's even a very soft sustained high note that's drenched in reverb (which appears in many of Teminite's songs, as an example). I don't even use everything there because it's a bit too much, but usually I put in chants, sidechords, and risers and crap to keep things from sounding too empty. But, in EVERY drop, it's near essental to have hihats. If you make a hihat pattern, don't worry if they sound bad on their own, they'll sound fine with everything else, just don't forget the hihats. (Crow, if you know about him, says that he was wondering why his drops sounded so empty, and then he just added hats and POOF, full drops.)
All of that is to say that there's no reason drops should sound empty.
Secondly, there's some mixing issues. The vocal chops sound good on their own, but they need to mesh better with the lead vocals. To do that, you can push the vocal chops back in the mix by adding some delay and maybe some reverb. I'd personally go for ping pong delay to add a bit of interest and width, but whatever works. As for the lead vocals, it seemed like they were being covered up by other elements, I could only understand it sometimes. I'm not quite skilled enough to know exactly what the problem is just by listening to it, but maybe try just compressing it a bit more, and bringing up the level up 1 or 2 dB.
Also a mixing thing - the kick and snare. Philosophically, what needs to happen is for the kick and snare to be center stage, but ONLY when they're happening. This is why we sidechain rather than just EQing, because mixing for the kick and snare has to be time-based. That being said, the snare is a notoriously annoying element in the mix because it's hard to get it to really pop out, so some rules are typically bent for the snare. The snare usually has its own sidechain thing going, not much but some, but then also, the frequencies of where the fundamental of the snare hits is cut out of everything else. (If you understand mid/side EQing, you can just EQ the mid frequencies out of the way of the snare. That preserves a bit more stuff.) If that doesn't work, you can be a bit adventurous and clip the snare with some plugin like Clipmax ( ), which is my personal favorite. Adding harmonics makes it punch through other stuff better. And if all of that doesn't pump some life into the snare, just use a different snare. It sucks to have to re-do everything, but it really helps and it sounds awesome.
And finally, the verses are a bit lengthy. If you want it to stay that long, you could add some variation with some of the background elements, maybe filter the kick and snare, bring the chords up an octave in some sections, idk.
A lot of this stuff doesn't improve overnight, you have to actually implement stuff into songwriting for it to help. So my best advice to you is that your improvement will come with the time you spend making songs. The more time you spend making songs, the more improvement. If you make a lot of songs, you will improve like you've never improved before, never being who you want to be, but getting satisfactorily close.
And again, this isn't an, "Eww, this is so gross." In fact, I think that the drops are pretty sick, you put the right wobs in the right places as far as I'm concerned. It's just that there is a road ahead of you, and I wanted to light the way a bit.
You're doing a lot right. Keep it up.