I find your lack of unison detuned chordstacks to be.... disturbing. xD
But seriously, unison detuning could help those chords. Also, if you have Serum, there's a really cool way to make stupidly beefy chordstacks with only 3 layers.
Layer 1: Osc A is a full unison detuned saw, with the detune turned down a bit. Osc B is a full unison detuned saw with default detuning, and one octave up. A little bit of noise is optional. FX is multiband compression with the default knob settings, and then an EQ highpass to remove the low rumble.
Layer 2: Osc A is a full unison detuned saw, with the detune turned down a bit, like before. FX are the same as before, except that the EQ should have a mild high shelf to get out of the way of layer 1. After all of that, chorus with a little less wet signal is optional.
Layer 3: Turn off both the oscillators and turn on the sub and add some noise. In the FX, add tube distortion with full drive, then multiband compression. Yes, it should sound like a broken speaker.
After all of that, lay out the chords with layer 1, copy those chords an octave down or so on layer 2, and have layer 3 play the roots at an appropriate octave. (Sidenote - if you have extensions or tensions on any chords, have the extensions/tensions in layer 1 but NOT in layer 2.) And finally, you can route all of the tracks to some type of submix (maybe a submix routed to another submix?) and add some compression to beef the sound up more and make the chords feel more like a single instrument rather than three.
After all of that, I still have more to say... that groove at the end is really awesome! My suggestion to you is to make that groove the first half of a verse, and then go into a dramatic chordstacky suspended-feeling third quarter of the verse, and then buildup to a drop that could have some fat chords too, if you wanted. Or just have some gnarly basses and a pre-drop to glue stuff together. (I think that's the right word I'm looking for, pre-drop... it's that thing where at the beginning of the drop the drums don't come in right away, but there's still sidechaining going on, y'know? Like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESeQ5Ld_xIQ (Omar Varela and Ghostkilla's "Aries") or something.)
Hope that helps! :p